Protecting Victorians’ privacy

Tuesday 1 May 2018

A new cyber security strategy will help protect the privacy of Victorians, while safeguarding government networks and agencies from hacking threats.

The Victorian Budget 2018/19 will invest $17.6 million to deliver our state’s first ever Cyber Security Strategy to help ensure the personal information of Victorians is kept safe.

Government networks across the world are regularly targeted by cyber-attacks, with an increasing shift from unsophisticated lone hackers towards organised criminals, political ‘hacktivists’ and even foreign governments using cyber space to infiltrate, steal from and disrupt government services.

In the past, individual agencies set their own security measures. This funding will ensure we have the strong cyber security capabilities we need to protect the delivery of public services across the whole of the government.

It follows the appointment of the state’s first ever Chief Information Security Officer to oversee our response to ongoing cyber threats, and the development of governance arrangements that allow Emergency Management Victoria to act in the case of cyber emergencies.

The funding boost from the Andrews Labor Government will also assist in attracting, developing and retaining skilled cyber security public sector workers, as we build upon Victoria’s position as the tech capital of Australia and a world-leader in tackling cyber-threats.

The Budget also includes $2.6 million to assist the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner to better support government in protecting the privacy of Victorians.

The Labor Government will also provide $8.5 million to help deliver the promised Independent Remuneration Tribunal so that politicians no longer set their own pay, bringing Victoria into line with other jurisdictions.

Legislation is currently before the Victorian Parliament to create the Tribunal, with their decisions effective from the beginning of the next Parliament.

Quotes attributable to Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings

“We’re getting on with delivering Victoria’s first ever Cyber Security Strategy so we can stay ahead of cyber criminals and protect Victorians’ personal information.”

“This boost will also build upon our state’s position as the tech capital of Australia and a world-leader in tackling cyber threats.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Innovation and the Digital Economy Philip Dalidakis

“Cyber security is crucial to our state - not only does it help us protect local businesses from cybercrime, but it's a growing industry that is becoming a big part of our economy.”