Protecting Heritage Gems On Queens Parade

Friday 31 August 2018

Minister for Planning Richard Wynne today announced heritage protection of a range of Queens Pde landmarks, as well as interim height controls in the Clifton Hill/North Fitzroy precinct.

A new amendment introduces interim controls along Queens Pde to guide heights and setbacks of new developments so they suit the heritage character of Queens Pde and nearby residential areas.

New heritage protections will apply to a range of landmarks including:

  • St John’s Church, specifically the organ
    • The former Clifton Motors Garage
    • The Moderne façade of the former K.G Luke factory site
    • All of Raines Reserve.

The change to the Yarra Planning Scheme brings mandatory and discretionary built form controls to four precincts within the Queens Pde Activity Centre.

Mr Wynne said these controls would ensure that the activity centre was protected in the short term from inappropriate development, while permanent controls were progressed.

These interim controls also protect views to key historic landmarks and significant streetscapes. The Yarra City Council can prepare to make these permanent, after community consultation.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne

 “We’re protecting the great neighbourhood feeling of this area and the heritage character of this colourful shopping strip.”

“We’re ensuring that classic landmarks linked to the area’s history can never be demolished.”