Pride, Strength, Inclusion: New Victorian LGBTI Grants

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Victorian LGBTI community organisations will share in $700,000 in new community grants thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Equality Martin Foley today announced 18 LGBTI organisations had received funding in the latest round of the LGBTI Community Grants Program.

Recipients include Friends Alike Bendigo – Central Victoria which received $80,000 to develop a local LGBTI leadership program and expand local support services.

They will use the money to build the skills of local LGBTI community members, develop new partnerships and strengthen their organisation.

Other organisations including Australian X and Y Spectrum Support, Alphabet Soup and Transgender Victoria will use their grants to expand their support for intersex, trans and gender diverse communities.

Melbourne-based organisations were also supported to purchase much-needed equipment, develop business plans, and attend skills and training sessions.

Many of the grants recipients recently engaged with the Labor Government’s highly successful LGBTI Equality Roadshow.

The Minister also joined around 100 LGBTI rural and regional advocates at the first LGBTI Community of Practice.

The Community of Practice brings together community leaders to share their experiences and ideas, support new projects and strengthen local connections.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Equality Martin Foley

“These grants play an important role in improving the lives of LGBTI Victorians.”

“We are giving a voice to communities right across Victoria, and making sure people feel proud of who they are.”

“Victoria’s LGBTI communities have made it clear they want more localised support – and that’s exactly what we’re giving them through extra funding, and the opportunity to share their lived experiences."