Premier Joins NYPD On The Streets Of New York

Monday 30 May 2016

Premier Daniel Andrews has been briefed by counter-terrorism and intelligence specialists at the New York Police Department about their approach to community policing and countering radicalisation, during his official US visit.

Accompanied to NYPD headquarters 'One Police Plaza' by Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Debra Abbott, the Premier was given access to the department’s state-of-the-art surveillance and crime prevention units.

The Real Time Crime Center supports officers on the ground by analysing data and providing instant access to criminal records, and the Domain Awareness surveillance system helps predict and prevent crime.

The Premier and Assistant Commissioner Abbott received high level briefings from Chief of Intelligence Thomas P Galati about current counter-terrorism challenges and how the NYPD works with other agencies to assess intelligence on risks to national and state security.

The Premier later joined officers in a squad car for a routine patrol, learning first firsthand about the kinds of policing challenges the officers encounter in their city.

The Labor Government has made significant investments to give Victoria Police the resources they need to respond to the threat posed by terrorism and other emerging public safety issues.

The Victorian Budget 2016/17 provided a $596 million public safety package that included 20 new members of Victoria’s Special Operations Group, high tech equipment including vehicles, and $15 million for a new 24/7 Monitoring and Assessment Centre which will provide the right information to front-line police.

The Victoria Police Monitoring and Assessment Centre will be open by early 2017 and will be modelled on that used by the NYPD.

This investment comes on top of a $49.4 million investment in 2015/16 to boost Victoria Police’s newly established Counter-Terrorism Command with 88 counter terrorism specialists and equipment.

Victoria Police works closely with national and international partners to investigate and disrupt potential acts of terrorism. New York City and Victoria are both members of the Strong Cities Network, which launched last year to co-ordinate information and expertise on preventing violent extremism across worldwide jurisdictions.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“This is a city that needs no reminding about the threat of terrorism, the NYPD has sadly been at the forefront of that and there’s so much we can learn from their experience.”

"NYPD officers have already been using iPads for some years now, so they have real time information when they need it most.”

“We are proud to have made a similar investment for Victoria Police, alongside funding the recruitment of extra frontline officers."