Portable Long Service Inquiry Launched

Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has today announced a Parliamentary Committee inquiry to investigate portable long service leave schemes.

The inquiry will examine portable leave, which allows workers to carry their long service leave entitlements over from employer to employer, and how it might be extended and improved in Victoria.

The Economic, Education, Jobs and Skills Committee will consider the economic and social impacts of any change and report back to the Parliament no later than 1 May 2016.

Minister for Industrial Relations, Natalie Hutchins, has welcomed the inquiry, saying that as the nature of people’s work life changes, government must ensure entitlements aren’t eroded.

In particular, while it has become common for people to have multiple career and workplace changes throughout their working life, they may not as readily accrue long-service leave as a result.

Ms Hutchins said the Committee would conduct a broad investigation on the issue, and report back on how schemes could be extended, including within the community services sector.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industrial Relations, Natalie Hutchins

"Workers are no longer staying in the same job and with the same company for their entire working lives. We’re making sure that workers aren’t short-changed, and that entitlements such as long service leave aren’t eroded as a result of the shifting way in which we work.”

"The Committee will undertake a broad investigation on how portable long service leave works in Victoria and beyond, as well as examining any potential social and economic impacts."

"I would also like to acknowledge the advocacy of Rachel Carling-Jenkins MP on the issue. I look forward to working with her on the inquiry."