Planning For Robinvale’s Growth With Housing Strategy

Thursday 5 July 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is getting it done for Robinvale with a $50,000 grant awarded today to Swan Hill Rural City Council to develop a Robinvale Housing Strategy project.

Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford announced the funding from the Stronger Regional Communities Plan, which supports community-led initiatives that build community capabilities or improve the liveability of regional and rural towns.

The Robinvale Housing Strategy project is in response to the growing demand for short and long-term housing in Robinvale and the surrounding Sunraysia region, which is being attributed to the growth in the region’s horticultural and agricultural industries.

The pace of expansion in these industries has intensified in recent years with the diversity of produce now grown in the region and prolonged seasonal harvests that at times overlap with other crop harvestings.

According to the 2016 Census, Robinvale has a resident population of 3,531 but this does not take into consideration contract harvest labour which is estimated to add an extra 3,000 people into the region to fulfil horticulture, agriculture and manufacturing shortfalls during peak times.

The project is also supported by the Mallee Regional Partnership who have provided an additional $15,000 to help develop the strategy.

The Stronger Regional Communities Plan aims to support rural and regional towns to people to live and work by investing in community-led projects that make regional Victoria a better place to live, work and do business.

Community groups, not-for-profit organisations, individual businesses, and industry alliances are all eligible to apply for funding for projects that will create stronger communities.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“We know that locals simply know best and this delivers a priority for the Mallee Regional Partnership who told us a housing strategy was key in accommodating for seasonal workers – we’re proud to be getting it done.”

“Growth in horticultural and agricultural industries is predicted to create another 600 jobs over the next five years and while this is good news for the long-term success of the Robinvale economy, there is a need to plan for adequate housing for the increase in temporary and permanent residents.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“Robinvale’s population can sometimes be hard to truly measure with the wax and wane of seasonal workers so this project will help tackle this issue and plan for ongoing growth.