Planning Protects St Kilda Road And The Shrine

Wednesday 25 May 2016

New planning controls around St Kilda Road and the Shrine of Remembrance will protect and enhance a picturesque and historic part of the inner city.

Minister for Planning Richard Wynne has approved controls which allow for more development but protect the Shrine and Albert Park Reserve from overshadowing.

Over the last decade, the number of people living in the area has increased by more than 50 per cent. These controls reflect the growth around St Kilda Road and the need to maintain the area’s streetscape and character.

The planning controls include a mix of height limits, building setbacks and separation for future development and apply to land between St Kilda Road and Queens Road, Melbourne and Kings Way, South Melbourne.

The previous controls had been in place for more than 20 years and needed updating to keep pace with development.

The controls reflect Mr Wynne’s push for a higher standard of inner city development and towers which contribute to the local community through improvements at street level.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne

“Development around St Kilda Road and the Shrine needs to enhance the area, we’re making sure there are clear rules in place which to maintain the areas appeal for residents and at street level.”

“Inner-city growth means another 45,000 homes will be needed in central Melbourne by 2031, well-designed apartment buildings around the city will help to cater for that growth and build our reputation as the most liveable city.”