Only The Best For The West With The Best Noise Walls In Melbourne

Friday 25 August 2017

The Andrews Labor Government will build even more noise walls as part of the West Gate Tunnel project to reduce noise at local sporting clubs and parks.

In direct response to community feedback, three additional noise walls to be built along the busy West Gate Freeway to the benefit of local families, dog walkers and sporting clubs.

The new walls will reduce noise in Crofts Reserve in Altona North, and McIvor Reserve and Stony Creek Reserve in Yarraville.

Donald McLean Reserve in Spotswood will also benefit from noise walls as part of the West Gate Tunnel project.

These important community facilities are home to cricket, hockey and soccer clubs and are enjoyed by thousands of people in the west.

The new noise walls will come in addition to 8.5 kilometres of noise walls already announced as part of the project.

In addition, the Labor Government will require the operator to maintain reduced noise levels throughout the term of the contract and for twenty years after the opening of the project.

Some of the best noise walls in Victoria are being built for the West Gate Tunnel Project at a level that goes above and beyond the standard for an existing motorway.

The project will also see the creation of nine hectares – nearly 4 MCGs – of new open space and wetlands.

The West Gate Tunnel Project will provide a vital alternative to the West Gate Bridge, slashing congestion, taking more than 9,000 trucks per day from streets in the inner west and creating more than 6000 jobs.

Major construction is due to begin in early 2018 with project to be completed in 2022.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan

“We’re building some of the best noise walls Victoria has ever seen to reduce traffic noise for residents and people enjoying the beautiful parks and gardens of the inner west.”

“The West Gate Tunnel Project will slash the congestion, take trucks off local roads, and make it quieter for people living nearby.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Williamstown Wade Noonan

“Every step of the way this project has been shaped by community feedback. We have heard that open space is important to people of the west so we have added more open space and now we are making existing parks quieter.”

“The west is home to some great community facilities and we want to make sure sporting teams can hear the umpires whistle and the cheer from the crowd.”