- Published:
- Sunday 4 September 2016
Recognising the need to make it easier for Victorians to access housing, the Andrews Labor Government has today launched an Australian first online social housing register.
Launched on the eve of Housing Week, the online application system was the first step for the Victorian Housing Register which will consolidate all social housing waiting lists into a single place.
The register simplifies the current application process and provides a fair way for households to access a broad range of social housing options.
The register will be rolled out in two stages – beginning with public housing waiting lists operating from the register with community housing associations coming online next year.
From next year, community housing organisations will be able to access one register to allocate vacant properties to Victorians in need.
Those currently on waiting lists will not need to reapply, they will be transferred automatically onto the new register.
The register will consist of two categories – Priority Access for those most in need and a Register of Interest for people who would like to be considered for social housing.
More information can be found at www.housing.vic.gov.au/victorianhousingregister
Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley
“The Victorian Housing Register will mean Victorians will only need to apply once, rather than put their name down with every agency.”
“It is a true partnership between government, community housing and homelessness sectors to make access to housing easier for Victorians.”