Next Step For The New Central Dandenong

Thursday 4 July 2019

There has been strong interest from the private sector in a mixed-use development worth up to $300 million under the Andrews Labor Government’s Revitalising Central Dandenong project.

Following a competitive Expression of Interest process to transform the site in the heart of Dandenong, four companies have been shortlisted to progress to the next phase: Capital Alliance Group, Brady Group, MAB and Quintessential Equity.

The two-hectare development site is located next to Dandenong Railway Station and presents an opportunity to create a vibrant, cohesive mixed-use precinct, further enhancing the area’s reputation as a great place to live, work and visit.

The area includes the Little India precinct, Melbourne’s longest-standing cluster of Indian culture and commerce.

The four-short-listed companies have acknowledged the cultural significance of the site and have incorporated Indian themed offerings in their submissions.

Following the conclusion of a Request for Proposal process in 2020, Development Victoria will work with the successful developer to consult with the local community and businesses during the design phase, in collaboration with the City of Greater Dandenong.

The project’s Request for Proposal phase will commence later this month and will close in February 2020. Subject to a developer being appointed in 2020, construction is expected to commence from 2023.

The Revitalising Central Dandenong project was launched in 2006 and represents $290 million investment by the Victorian Government which has attracted close to $700 million in private investment.

The project has improved pedestrian connections and safety on Lonsdale Street, provided new community recreational facilities and delivered a number of new developments in central Dandenong including the State Government Services Hub, ATO, Council Civic Centre and Quest Apartments.

Development Victoria is responsible for delivering the project, in collaboration with the City of Greater Dandenong.

Quote attributable to the Minister for Priority Precincts Gavin Jennings

This is an important redevelopment in the heart of Dandenong and the benefits will be far-reaching, from job creation and economic growth to greater community connection.”

Quote attributable to Member for Dandenong Gabrielle Williams

“Remaking Central Dandenong has delivered tremendous benefits and this next step will continue that progress while making sure local people are heard along the way.”