New Way To Monitor Air Quality In Victoria

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville today launched  a new way for Victorians to easily understand information about the air they breathe.

Known as EPA AirWatch, a new interactive map, will provide the community with a quick and reliable way to check local readings of air quality and obtain health advice on days when poor air quality is recorded.

Using data from EPA’s 19 air monitoring locations across metropolitan and regional Victoria, EPA AirWatch will show a range of common pollutants in the air.

EPA’s ability to monitor Victoria’s air quality during statewide emergencies such as bushfires has also been boosted with the use of rapid response air monitoring equipment recently provided by the Andrews Labor Government.

This equipment can be deployed within 24 hours and provides hourly air quality measurements and health advice directly to EPA’s website. The website will also provide the Victorian community with regular updates from the Department of Health and Human Services on the potential impact smoke could be having on ambient air.

EPA AirWatch is available at: in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

 “EPA AirWatch has been designed to provide Victorians with a quick and easy way to check local readings of air quality. These readings will be particularly helpful for those with heart and lung conditions, children under 14 years, pregnant women and those aged over 65.” 

“Victorians are urged to check EPA AirWatch – particularly on days with strong winds and in times of bushfire when there can be a lot of smoke in the atmosphere.”

“Air quality is better now than in the 1970s due to controls implemented through the Environment Protection Act 1970 to reduce sources of air pollution and industry complying with more environmentally friendly practices and tighter emissions regulations.”