New Report Identifies Workforce Needs In The Mallee

Thursday 28 September 2017

A new report identifying and highlighting the skills and training needs of the Mallee region’s industries now and into the future has been officially launched.

Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney joined Victorian Skills Commissioner Neil Coulson to launch the Mallee Regional Skills Demand Profile at Olam Orchards Australia in Carwarp this morning.

The Mallee Regional Skills Profile comes from the work of the Skills Commissioner’s Regional Skills Taskforce – Mallee Region, which included representatives from local industry, community and government.

The taskforce was created as part of the Skills Commissioner’s Industry Engagement Framework to better understand local skills shortages, existing and future workforce training needs, and how the training system can be better aligned to meet the needs of industry.

The Mallee region has an ageing workforce with a looming demand for labour replacement in existing local industry.

The profile notes that this, combined with significant planned investments in the horticulture industry locally, will drive demand for skilled workers.

Through Skills First, the Andrews Labor Government is already working to link training to the needs of industry and this report will allow us to continue to build on that work.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney

Were making sure that the training our TAFEs deliver is linked to the needs of local communities and industries.

This report will allow us to build on the work weve already done to make sure Victorian businesses get the skilled workforce they need now and into the future.

Quote attributable to Victorian Skills Commissioner Neil Coulson

“The development of the Mallee Regional Skills Demand Profile is an important step in identifying shifts in industry structure and highlighting the training needs of the region to support these shifts.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

This work on skills shortages is important to the community because we know that when they are not addressed in a meaningful way, they can put pressure on local business.