
New Guidelines To Boost Our Night-Time Economy

03 July 2023

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting Melbourne’s night-time economy and helping create new live music venues by lifting the freeze on late-night liquor licences in the inner-city municipalities of Melbourne, Port Phillip, Yarra and Stonnington.

Acting Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation Anthony Carbines today announced the freeze on late-night licences in inner-city councils will end from today, delivering an election commitment to grow our renowned hospitality and live music industry and ensure Melbourne remains the live music capital of the world.

New guidelines will also be introduced with stronger ways of responding to potential alcohol-related harm and amenity issues.

Applications will be assessed for risk to ensure measures are in place to minimise alcohol harm and anti-social behaviour and venues will no longer require the same exemptions to be granted to obtain licences to operate after 1am.

The Victorian Liquor Commission may include conditions on new licences to address alcohol-related harm or anti-social behaviour. This can include venue management plans, addressing noise limits, the number of security staff and better responsible service of alcohol requirements, depending on the potential risk of the licence application.

The Commission will also continue to take current planning provisions into account that apply to venues applying for variations.

Importantly, the Commission will consider requesting late-night licence applications to have plans to prevent and address gender-based violence, including sexual harassment.

The new guidelines were developed following close consultation with Victoria Police, local government, hospitality, tourism, creative industries and harm reduction stakeholders, as well as public submissions on Engage Victoria.

These guidelines build on legislative reforms to the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 that established a dedicated liquor regulator, while also clearly defining harm.

An initial review of the new settings will be completed next year, with a second more comprehensive review to be completed two years after the guidelines begin.

Quote attributable to Acting Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation Anthony Carbines

“We’re revitalising our world-famous night-time economy and addressing alcohol-related harm and anti-social behaviour.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Creative Industries Steve Dimopoulos

“These reforms are about supporting Melbourne’s late-night economy and live music industry and supporting cultural activities that this city is so well known for.”

Reviewed 03 July 2023

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