- Published:
- Friday 6 July 2018
Recreational fishers in northwest Victoria can look forward to wetting a line in a new lake thanks to local anglers, the Yarriambiack Shire and a grant from the Andrew’s Labor Government’s Target One Million plan.
Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford visited the region today and announced work had commenced this week on the new waterway, which was historically known as Willow Lake.
The new lake will use the shell of the decommissioned town water reservoir and be maintained by a newly constructed pipeline from Lake Lascelles.
Once complete, the 1.4ha lake will provide anglers with a family-friendly destination, located away from motorised water-based activities.
The Lake Lascelles/Corrong Committee of Management is using the $60,600 grant for earthworks, the construction of two 9 metre fishing platforms and picnic facilities.
The Victorian Fisheries Authority will stock thousands of native fish fingerlings, including golden perch and silver perch, into the lake next summer when the water level permits.
It is hoped the new lake emulates the performance of the native fish in neighbouring Lake Lascelles, where stocked golden perch now provide great fishing opportunities for locals and visitors.
The Labor Government’s Target One Million Plan has already delivered a raft of improvements for recreational fishers in recent years, including stocking a record six million fish over the last 12 months, saving Lake Toolondo’s iconic trout fishery and ending commercial net fishing in Corio Bay.
Learn more at vfa.vic.gov.au/targetonemillion.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford
“We know how much people in our Wimmera love casting a line and we’re proud to make it even more accessible with this new Lake.”
“Getting more people, fishing more often is all part of the Andrews Labor Government’s Target One Million plan.”
“Recreational fishing has never been better across Western Victoria – the iconic lakes across the Wimmera are a tourism drawcard. From camping, fishing, walking – there is something for everyone to enjoy.”