New Facilities For SuniTAFE’s Swan Hill Campus

Wednesday 16 March 2016

A $2.61 million expansion of SuniTAFE’s Swan Hill Campus has been officially opened by the Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert.

The new Learning Commons project will provide flexible learning spaces including a library, two new health training labs, two trade classrooms and a new café.

The expansion will allow for allied health training to be added to the courses on offer at Swan Hill and for will also allow for a boost to automotive trade training in the town.

The Andrews Labor Government is committed to SuniTAFE delivering quality training, which is vital to the prosperity of the Northern Victorian community.

The institute has benefited from a number of Labor Government initiatives including $4 million from the TAFE Rescue Fund and $1.8 million from the TAFE Back to Work Fund, which is linking local students with local jobs.

SuniTAFE has received close to $8 million from the Labor Government since it was elected, including $1 million for a Skills and Jobs Centre which was opened by Mr Herbert in Mildura yesterday.

The Labor Government is supporting training in regional areas including through our $34 million Regional Skills and Training package that will help local communities.

The fund will particularly help disadvantaged groups and areas access the training they need to get the jobs they want.

The Government will keep working with SuniTAFE to strengthen its training delivery and so it can continue to meet the needs of the Swan Hill community.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills and Member for Northern Victoria Steve Herbert

 “This expansion of SuniTAFE’s Swan Hill facilities will make sure that SuniTAFE can continue to play a vital role in educating and training Swan Hill locals.”

“We’re a Government that is getting on with doing what we said we’d do and that includes making sure all Victorians have access to quality training, no matter where they live.”

“Having access to quality training in the region means Swan Hill locals can get off the treadmill of unemployment and onto the footpath of success.”