New Engineering Registration Scheme To Improve Safety

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Professional engineers in Victoria will be required to be registered under a new scheme – strengthening the critical role engineers play in the delivery of the Andrews Labor Government’s record infrastructure pipeline.

The Professional Engineers Registration Bill has passed the Parliament, delivering on an election commitment.

Establishing a state-wide mandatory registration system will ensure professional engineers are appropriately qualified and experienced to practise – improving safety and allowing Victorians to make informed choices about the engineer they engage.

The comprehensive scheme recognises the pivotal role engineers have in ensuring public safety in a wide range of areas, including complex infrastructure projects, and promote continuing professional development for practitioners.

Initially, the scheme will cover five categories of engineering – structural, civil, mechanical, electrical and fire safety. The scheme is designed to allow further categories of engineering to be covered in the future.

There was extensive consultation with the industry during development of the Bill. The Labor Government will continue to work with other states and territories to develop a nationally consistent registration scheme.

The scheme is another example of how Victoria continues to lead the way when it comes to infrastructure delivery – including the establishment of the Victorian Major Projects Leadership Academy, the Office of Projects Victoria and the appointment of the first Victorian Chief Engineer.

Victoria’s record infrastructure investment program includes $107 billion in budget funded state capital projects that have commenced or are underway.

Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) will shortly commence development of regulations to implement the scheme. These regulations will be supported by a Regulatory Impact Statement and a further public consultation process.

CAV and the Victorian Building Authority will release more details about the scheme and the transitional arrangements towards the end of 2019.

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer Steve Dimopoulos

“This scheme will promote the accountability, quality and safety of engineering services in Victoria, and delivers on a key election commitment.”

“This will make it easier to plan, deliver, operate and maintain Victoria’s unprecedented infrastructure pipeline.”