New Digital Campaign To Drive Down Home Fire Risk

Monday 30 May 2016

The Andrews Labor Government today launched a new digital campaign to drive down the number of preventable fires in homes across Victoria.

Preventable house fires cost Victorians $75 million in 2015, and caused the tragic deaths of nine people. Last year, there were more than 3000 preventable fires in homes.

The Safe Mistake Zone encourages Victorians to minimise fire risks in the home, eliminating hazards that can cause fires, potentially costing people their homes and their lives.

Representing the Minister for Emergency Services Jane Garrett, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice Ben Carroll launched the Country Fire Authority and Metropolitan Fire Brigades online campaign and interactive website at Federation Square today.

At the launch, visitors to Federation Square participated in activities designed to educate people on the causes of house fires, such as leaving food unattended and not switching off hair straighteners after use.

Safe Mistake Zone features an interactive website with videos, statistics and games providing helpful hints and tips to reduce the risk of a house fire.

There is also a Home Fire Safety Checklist of things you can do to prevent fire in your home, such as keeping combustible items away from cooking and heating sources, always using a screen near open fires and ensuring laptops and other electrical devices are unplugged once charged.

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Justice Ben Carroll

“Home fire safety is incredibly serious, and it’s our collective responsibility – just one preventable house fire is one too many.”

“The most common cause of house fires is someone making a simple mistake, so we’re tackling that head on with this innovative new digital campaign designed to stop people making unsafe mistakes at home.”