National Youth Week To Celebrate Young People In Our Community

Friday 8 April 2016

Young people across Victoria are being encouraged to take part in National Youth Week between 8 April and 17 April – an annual celebration of those aged 12–25 throughout Australia.

Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos today joined Member for Geelong Christine Couzens at Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative to hear from local young people about issues and activities important to them.

Each year events are planned and organised to celebrate and recognise the contribution of young people. In 2015 more than 20,000 young people from across Victoria participated in National Youth Week activities.

Earlier this year, Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos announced more than $225,000 in funding for 115 organisations to stage events across Victoria as part of National Youth Week 2016.

The grants of up to $2,000 fund events that celebrate and recognise the contribution of young Victorians to their community.

The Andrews Labor Government is proud to support events across Victoria so young people have the opportunity to express their ideas and views, and act on issues that affect their lives.

Youth Week events range from forums where young people can discuss issues of concern to them or their community, community festivals, concerts, sporting or skateboarding competitions, multicultural displays and film and photography exhibitions.

To see a full calendar of National Youth Week events visit the Youth Central website (opens in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos

“I encourage all young Victorians to take part in National Youth Week – it’s a great way to get involved in the community and have fun.”

“Young people in Victoria have a valuable contribution to make in their local communities – we want to help them develop their skills and make their voices heard.”

“We’ve been speaking with thousands of young Victorians to develop our Government’s new youth policy framework, which we’ll announce later this year to set the direction for recognising and supporting the needs of young people.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Geelong Christine Couzens

“I encourage every single young person in Geelong to get involved with National Youth Week. It’s a fantastic opportunity to celebrate their success and talk about what they want to achieve in the future.”