Murchison Ambulance Station To Be Upgraded

Thursday 1 October 2015

The Andrews Labor Government today announced that Murchison Ambulance Station will be rebuilt as part of a $20 million investment to modernise and upgrade ambulance facilities across Victoria.

Murchison Ambulance Station was constructed in the 1960s. It lacks reverse-in access for ambulance vehicles and has a manual garage door. The station is very small, lacks purpose-built facilities, and has a range of occupational health and safety hazards.

It’s crucial that Victoria’s ambulance branches are safe and fit-for-purpose, as well as comfortable and modern for paramedics who work long and often unsociable hours.

The Labor Government has worked with Ambulance Victoria to identify branches with ageing facilities most in need of replacing, informed by a state-wide survey of Ambulance Victoria’s buildings undertaken by consultant engineers.

Other branches that will be upgraded include Kew, Preston, Eltham and Dandenong Ambulance Stations in metropolitan Melbourne, and Sale, Traralgon, Orbost, and Echuca Ambulance Stations in regional Victoria. A new station will also be built in Karingal.

Work will commence in coming months to rebuild Murchison Ambulance Station.

The Government also today announced that Ambulance Victoria will undertake a review of its rural service, including the service needs of nearby Nagambie.

Whilst this work is underway, Ambulance Victoria will pilot the placement of a two officer Advanced Life Support paramedic unit in Nagambie for three days per week (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) from Friday 27 November until Sunday 6 February 2016 from 10am to 10pm each day. It will also operate for six days over the 2016 Easter period.

The provision of a seasonal paramedic crew will ensure that the majority of cases during this period are covered locally. It will allow the Nagambie Community Emergency Response Team to rest on these days, and reduce the demand on Seymour and Murchison ambulance branches during this busy time.

In February 2016, Ambulance Victoria will evaluate the pilot program and consider its effectiveness as part of the development of its rural service review.

The Andrews Labor Government has invested an extra $99 million in ambulance services in the 2015-16 Victorian Budget to deliver more ambulance services, upgrade ambulance branches, and provide new and replacement vehicles and equipment. The Government is also providing extra funding for increased support services for Victoria’s hardworking paramedics.

The Government has also removed red tape so that MICA paramedics can now use their skills wherever they’re located, including in non-MICA branches. This will mean better services and responses for Victorians, particularly in regional and rural areas.

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Health  Mary-Anne Thomas

“We’re upgrading our ambulance stations to ensure they’re safe, fit-for-purpose, and comfortable for our hardworking paramedics.”

“Some of these stations have been around for decades, and if we’re to have a modern ambulance service, we need to have modern facilities.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

“The paramedics at Murchison Ambulance Branch do such fantastic work, but their station is in extremely poor condition.”

“I’m pleased to announce the Government will upgrade this local ambulance branch, which will mean paramedics can better and more quickly respond to critical medical emergencies in our community.”

“I know the provision of extra resources in Nagambie will be welcomed by locals this summer, while Ambulance Victoria looks at the long term service needs of rural communities across the state.”