More Support For LGBTI Organisations Across Victoria

Monday 3 April 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting 38 community organisations and individuals improve the health, wellbeing and resilience of the LGBTI community.

Minister for Equality Martin Foley today announced the first round of community grants worth $900,000 will go to building the capacity of community organisations and developing the leadership and management skills of current and future LGBTI leaders.

Health and wellbeing is the focus of this grants round with Rainbow Families Victoria receiving $130,000 to grow their organisation and volunteer base which provides support to LGBTI parents, co-parents, carers and their children in Victoria.

Switchboard Victoria will receive $109,000 to expand their free telephone and web counselling referral and information service for LGBTI Victorians.

Chillout Daylesford, Midsumma Festival and the Melbourne Queer Film Festival will receive support to grow their capacity as Victoria’s leading LGBTI cultural events.

The grants are also supporting 11 current and future LGBTI leaders attend Company Directors or Emerging Managers courses, radio training and conferences to develop their leadership skills to support others in the community.

For the full list of grant recipients visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Equality Martin Foley

“We have some incredibly effective LGBTI organisations – these grants will expand their capacity to support more people throughout the state.”

“It’s about creating a level playing field for all Victorians – and we know that access to health services is a barrier LGBTI Victorians face.”

“The support we are providing will provide opportunities for the community to come together and provide a reminder that equality is not negotiable.”