More Support For Early School Leavers In The South West

Thursday 28 April 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting South West locals to access training, with a funding boost of more than $550,000 for South West Victorian SEAL and South West TAFE from the Reconnect Program.

The Victorian Budget 2016/17 included $20 million for the Reconnect Program to support young people who left school early or who are long-term unemployed prepare for training and work.

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert this afternoon visited SEAL to announce the funding. SEAL will receive $239,000 to engage with early school leavers to build their foundation skills and boost their chances of employment. It will also build their confidence to help them stay in training and education.

The program will run for two mornings a week, for 20 weeks, and will be split between pre-accredited training, VET tasters and work placement. Students will also get a Learning and Achievement Plan.

South West TAFE will receive $325,000 from the Reconnect Program to help early school leavers move from doing pre-accredited training by providing a mentor throughout their course, to ensure they can complete their Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning.

South West will partner with Brophy Family and Youth Services and Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation to support youth in Warrnambool, Hamilton, Heywood and Portland.

The Labor Government is addressing disadvantage and promoting equity, helping those who have left school early or are long term unemployed to reconnect with training.

The percentage of Warrnambool early school leavers not in the labour force, employment or training went from 3.2 per cent in 2011 to 5.9 per cent in 2013. Last year the rate was 6.1 per cent.

Industry involvement in training is vital for growing Victoria’s skilled workforce and for making sure the training people get meets industry needs.

The Victorian Budget 2016/17 also includes $14 million to boost industry involvement with the training sector. This Government is focused on linking jobs with industry and workforce needs and this funding will allow that to happen.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“Too many young Victorians are dropping out of school and not going into the workforce or into training. This $20 million injection of funds will help address that alarming situation.”

“We’re helping early school leavers take a step forward to get back into training, education and into a job.” 

Quotes attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“This is a big win for our community and I look forward to seeing how the two organisation will build on the good work they’ve already doing.”

“We’re making sure South West TAFE and South West Victorian SEAL have the resources it needs to engage with early school leavers.”