More Services And Better Bus Stops For Shepparton

Wednesday 11 May 2016

The Andrews Labor Government will deliver more train services and upgrade major bus stops across Shepparton.

Minister for Public Transport, Jacinta Allan, visited Shepparton railway station today discuss the improvements, funded through last month’s Victorian Budget 2016/17.

The Budget provides $131 million for extra regional train services, including an additional service to and from Shepparton every day.

These services will be created by extending trains that currently stop at Seymour to Shepparton and will begin next year.

The Budget also funds improvements to the waiting area at the station and better shelter at major bus stops across Shepparton.

Last month’s Budget continued the Labor Government’s record investment in public transport, with $1.3 billion to improve services and infrastructure in regional Victoria.

The Budget includes $280 million for 27 new VLocity carriages, $141 million for critical maintenance and $198 million to rebuild V/Line, so it can deliver better services for Shepparton and across regional Victoria.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan

“We’re delivering new trains, more services and better bus infrastructure for Shepparton. The extra daily service will mean less time on platforms waiting for the train, and more time at home with family and friends.”

“After years of neglect by the former Liberal and National Government, the Andrews Labor Government is investing $1.3 billion in better public transport for regional Victoria – we’re getting it done.”

“We’re planning for a growing Shepparton – investing in the services and infrastructure locals need to get to work, school and appointments, and home again safer and sooner at the end of the day.”