More RAW Talent To Get Rid Of Dangerous Level Crossings

Tuesday 4 July 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is helping more Aboriginal jobseekers play a key role in removing our most dangerous and congested level crossings.

Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan and Member for Oakleigh Steve Dimopoulos visited the Murrumbeena Road level crossing removal site today to announce an additional $550,000 for RAW Recruitment.

RAW Recruitment is a not-for-profit organisation that specialises in culturally-inclusive jobs and training services for Aboriginal Victorians.

The new funding, announced as part of NAIDOC Week, will help RAW Recruitment place an extra 50 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander jobseekers into work.

The organisation has now received more than $1.2 million in government support, and has successfully placed 66 Aboriginal jobseekers into meaningful employment.

RAW Recruitment is a proud partner of Jobs Victoria – the Labor Government’s $63 million program to help people who face barriers to employment find and keep a job.

Jobs Victoria is well on the way to achieving its target of supporting more than 4,000 Victorian jobseekers, with more than 1,400 jobseekers successfully placed since the program commenced.

The Labor Government’s Major Projects Skills Guarantee is also ensuring apprentices, trainees and cadets are responsible for at least 10 per cent of work hours on major government projects.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan

“We are very proud to have Aboriginal Victorians playing a key role in removing level crossings and shaping the future of our city.”

“RAW Recruitment is an inspirational organisation. This new funding will only further their mission to give Aboriginal Victorians the jobs and training they deserve.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

“By recruiting Aboriginal Victorians on major government projects, we’re helping them realise their potential.”

“It’s more than a job – it’s an opportunity to make a contribution to their community and inspire others along the way.”

Quote attributable to Member for Oakleigh Steve Dimopoulos

“These level crossing removals aren’t just supporting safer, less congested communities – they’re creating meaningful jobs for all Victorians.”