More Public Housing, Better Local Communities

Thursday 29 March 2018

The Andrews Labor Government’s plan to deliver more housing and revitalise inner-city communities by redeveloping rundown public housing estates has reached a new milestone.

Following successful planning scheme amendments, new public housing properties for tenants at Brunswick West, North Melbourne, Heidelberg West, Brighton, Northcote and Flemington are now a step closer.

The Public Housing Renewal Program aims to replace old public housing estates with new properties that are comfortable, modern and more secure – giving tenants the homes they deserve.

Public housing waiting lists were left to blow out under the former Liberal-Nationals Government, with more than 36,000 Victorians now on the Victorian Housing Register.

And just yesterday, the Liberals and Greens’ anti-housing Coalition voted down the Markham Estate revitalisation project.

The Labor Government’s plan will provide more than 1,700 public housing properties. It’s part of Homes for Victorians, which will deliver 6,000 new social housing homes.

The new housing will be accessible for people with disability and mobility issues, feature new green spaces, and meet the growing demand for one and two-bedroom dwellings – but with flexibility to convert to bigger dwellings to accommodate larger families.

All new homes will be seven-star energy rated – making them cooler in summer and warmer in winter – and conform to the Better Apartments Design Standards.

The Government has guaranteed all residents can return to their estates after construction is complete.

This will be enshrined in updated tenancy agreements with the Director of Housing, which are legally enforceable documents. A tenant’s rent will be calculated in the same way, and they will remain public housing residents with secure tenancies.

The Government is spending more than $800 million on housing and homelessness initiatives, on top of the $1 billion social housing growth fund to give more Victorians a roof over their head.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing Martin Foley

“By redeveloping our rundown public housing estates, we are ensuring more Victorians have the modern, accessible and secure homes they deserve.”

“For too long tenants have been forced to live in appalling conditions. We are changing the broken model of public housing, revitalising communities with a broader social mix and delivering better outcomes for Victorians.”

“Opponents of our plan need to explain their actions to the more than 36,000 people on the Victorian Housing Register.”