More Beds And Faster Care For Victorian Patients

Wednesday 17 February 2016

The Andrews Labor Government’s $200 million Beds Rescue Fund is on track to open 101 new beds and points of care in less than one year.

Premier Daniel Andrews, Minister for Health Jill Hennessy, and Member for Frankston Paul Edbrooke today officially opened the new eight-bed Frankston Hospital Rapid Assessment Chest Pain Unit, which is expected to treat an additional 2000 patients a year.

The extra beds at Frankston Hospital mark 92 out of 101 beds and points of care opened as a result of the Labor Government’s $200 million Hospital Beds Rescue Fund.

The remaining nine beds are expected to be open by 1 March – less than a year after they were promised.

The new eight-bed unit provides a quick assessment by specialist cardiologists for people with chest pain meaning more patients will be treated earlier and faster, which will help to ease pressure on the emergency department.

Meanwhile, a new $5 million hybrid interventional operating theatre at Frankston Hospital is open for surgery, which features cutting edge digital equipment that will allow surgeons to use minimally invasive surgical techniques.

The operating theatre, the largest in Australia, will mean patients undergo shorter surgeries and experience quicker recoveries.

Last year, former AMA Victoria Presidents Dr Doug Travis carried out the most comprehensive review ever undertaken into the capacity of Victoria’s hospitals.

In line with his recommendations, the 2015-16 Victorian Budget delivered $200 million to open 101 beds and points of care at hospitals across the state, which will treat nearly 20,000 extra patients every year.

While we are delivering on this promise to open 101 new beds and points of care in less than a year, the former Liberal Government, despite promising 800 new beds only managed to open 88 in three years.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“In less than a year, we will deliver 101 new beds and points of care as promised, so Victorian patients can access the care they need, when they need it.”

“Under the former Liberal Government, patients were waiting too long in emergency departments and for elective surgery.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“It’s no surprise patients were waiting too long for emergency treatment under the former Government given the Liberals opened just 88 beds in three years.”

“Our $200 million Beds Rescue Fund will mean nearly 20,000 extra patients get the treatment they need sooner.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Frankston Paul Edbrooke

“Here at Frankston Hospital, our Beds Rescue Fund will mean patients experiencing chest pain can be treated earlier and faster.”

“The new hybrid operating theatre will also see patients benefit from more accurate and shorter surgeries, fewer complications and quicker recovery times.”