Millions To Upgrade Rural Aged Care Services

Monday 27 June 2016

The Andrews Labor Government will fund $8 million in refurbishment to public sector residential aged care facilities across rural and regional Victoria.

Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, Martin Foley, today announced 24 rural residential aged care facilities to receive funding from the Labor Government’s 2015/16 Significant Facility Refurbishment Initiative.

The initiative supports vital refurbishments to assist older people in rural and regional Victoria access the high quality public aged care services they deserve, close to home and the communities they helped build and support.

The upgrades will modernise facilities, as well as providing better and safer environments that enhance resident wellbeing and privacy, and also assist rural public sector aged care facilities to be sustainable into the future.

Projects range from small extensions and improvements to common areas that support better social spaces, bedroom or bathroom refurbishments that improve resident privacy and independence, and upgrades to outdoor activity areas to make them more accessible.

Other projects aim to enhance safety and wellbeing through improved infrastructure and equipment such as new nurse-call systems and overhead lifting systems, and secure dementia-friendly areas to support residents with special care needs.

In addition to the $8 million for refurbishments, the Labor Government is also providing $1.45 million in grants for specialist care equipment and nurse training at all public sector residential aged care facilities, with approved high care places across Victoria

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley

“We’re ensuring older people living in rural and regional Victoria can access high quality public aged care, when they need it, in modern and safe facilities which are closer to home and their loved ones.”

“Public aged care facilities are the lifeblood of regional towns, providing aged care to older people in their own community, as well as being a major local employer.”

“Our $8 million funding boost is investing in the future of public aged care in rural and regional Victoria and will make a real difference to the quality of life for residents, now and into the future.”