Mental Health A Key Priority At Victoria Police

Monday 14 August 2017

Minister for Police Lisa Neville today welcomed the launch of the Victoria Police Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Action Plan 2017–2020.

The strategy maps out a comprehensive three-year approach to protecting, promoting and preserving the mental health and wellbeing of officers and staff at Victoria Police.

The priority focus areas include developing a leadership culture change program, strengthening mental health literacy, augmenting mental health and wellbeing services and improving employee lifecycle initiatives.

The 2017–18 Victorian Budget provided $2 million of funding to provide a comprehensive and integrated program of mental health literacy for Victoria Police, as part of the ground-breaking Community Safety Statement.

A number of recommendations from the Victoria Police Mental Health Review: An Independent Review have already been actioned including the deployment of 12 new support staff in the Police Psychology Unit and six new case managers to improve employees’ access to care and support.

A second Trauma Recovery and Resilience group treatment program is about to get underway after the successful pilot, while a Mental Health Snapshot Survey is being released every three months to measure Victoria Police’s progress in creating a more supportive and informed culture surrounding mental health issues.

Work is also continuing on more than 20 other projects in response to the 39 recommendations made by the review.

This is in addition to the $500,000 allocated in the 2016–17 budget to immediately address issues identified in the review.

The Andrews Labor Government, Victoria Police and The Police Association jointly funded the $300,000 ‘Equipt’ smartphone app to help current and former officers and their families, manage and respond to the pressures of the job.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“We continue to do everything we can to support Victoria Police, and the mental health and wellbeing of officers and staff is a top priority.”

“Our police officers face challenging and stressful situations every day and it’s critical that they feel comfortable seeking out help and that the right supports are in place.”

“The strategy sets out a road map as to how Victoria Police will address issues that impact mental health and wellbeing and how staff will be supported through their entire careers.”