Matthew Guy’s Lies On Ventnor

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Matthew Guy has been caught lying yet again on Ventnor in a scandal that saw him gift $3.5 million of taxpayers’ money to Liberal Party mates.

Mr Guy has ridiculously claimed that he made the multi-million dollar settlement because going to court would have cost even more:

“It would have been a lawyers’ picnic otherwise. It would have been a hell of a lot more to go to court.” Matthew Guy, Press Conference, 4 September 2018.

This is a lie.

In documents tabled in the Parliament, the then Deputy Secretary of DPCD advised that the cost of going to trial would only be $300,000:

“Plaintiff to drop the action and State pay plaintiffs legal costs to date and $300,000 (estimate of State’s cost of going to trial).” Email from Deputy Secretary, 16 July 2012

Other documents make clear that cost was never Mr Guy’s concern:

“He (Mr Guy) was concerned about being required to give evidence before the Judge. The Minister said the matter needs to settle. He said it can’t go to court.” File Note, 20 March 2013

Mr Guy has also claimed he didn’t say he would lose his job if he had to give evidence under oath:

Journalist: You can’t remember saying this shall cost me my job?

Mr Guy: No. Press Conference, 4 September 2018

This is a lie.

In file notes on the case taken by two separate senior lawyers, Matthew Guy said:

“This can’t go to court. I shall not be in the job if it goes to court.” File Note, 19 July 2013


“I will not be in this job if we win (the case).” File Note, 19 July 2013

Mr Guy can’t get his story straight on the Ventnor scandal – he’s telling so many lies he can’t keep up with himself.

Quotes attributable to Deputy Premier James Merlino

“Matthew Guy has form – he always lies when he’s under pressure and he’s been caught out lying yet again on Ventnor.”

“Matthew Guy’s claim that he gifted $3.5 million to Liberal Party mates to save taxpayers’ money is complete rubbish and contradicted by senior public servants and his own lawyers.”

“It is crystal clear that Matthew Guy will say anything to cover up his potentially criminal conduct – he must resign and pay back the money immediately.”