Making Victorian Schools More Energy Efficient

Monday 4 December 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is introducing a new pilot program across Victoria to help make schools more energy efficient and save on energy bills.

Minister for Education James Merlino today announced the school rollout of the Greener Government School Buildings Program, which will improve the energy efficiency of school buildings, reduce operating costs and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

One hundred schools have been invited to participate in the pilot program, which will see energy saving measures, such as solar panels and lighting upgrades, installed by the end of 2018.

The Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) will work with the participating schools from across the state to implement the energy efficiency measures.

The program will help schools and the VSBA better understand ways to reduce energy consumption, and in turn, reduce the cost of energy bills.

The results of the pilot program will be used by the VSBA in the development of future school and Department policies, and environmental sustainability programs.

The Labor Government is reducing the environmental impact of its operations, and aims to integrate environmental sustainability principals into the design, construction and refurbishment of all government schools.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“We’re taking action to make our schools more sustainable and more energy efficient.”

“It’s not only the environment that will benefit from the program – this will help cut energy bills for our schools.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Finance Robin Scott

“We are proudly investing in sustainability while generating millions in energy-cost savings for government buildings across the state, as well as creating jobs in the green energy sector."

Quote attributable to the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

We’re leading the way when it comes to tackling climate change and this project will cut greenhouse gases and cut power bills.”