Making Camping More Affordable In Victoria’s Parks

Tuesday 15 December 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has dropped camping fees for a range of Victoria’s parks in time for summer, following a state-wide review.

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville today announced changes to fees as of Friday 18 December, which follows the removal of fees at 500 basic campsites earlier this year.

The fee for camping at mid-level campsites have been reduced, from $38.90 to $28 per site in peak season.

These changes will ensure Victorians continue to have access to these beautiful places, while making sure that the costs of providing safe, visitor-friendly facilities and services are sustainable and affordable.

This change will affect 48 campgrounds around the state, such as Borough Huts and Jimmy Creek in the Grampians National Park, and popular sites in the Great Otway National Park including Johanna Beach, Blanket Bay and Aire River West, and Bear Gully at Cape Liptrap Coastal Park.

In addition, fees to camp at the popular boat based campgrounds at Bunga Arm in Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park will be reduced from $38.90 per site to $21 per site.

In total, there are 55 campgrounds around the state where fees have been reduced.

Parks Victoria will immediately begin to process refunds for these campgrounds, which will continue in to 2016.

Customers who have booked to stay from 18 December 2015 will be automatically refunded for the reduced fees by Parks Victoria, but the bookings will still be honoured.

People do not need to contact Parks Victoria; refunds will be processed for everyone who has a booking.

Fees now apply at 116 campgrounds in 29 parks. There are 680 campgrounds in 133 parks across the state; fees apply in only 17% of campgrounds.

To book your stay visit Parks Victoria at in a new window).

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“We have some of the best parks in the country and we will continue to make sure they are accessible and affordable.”

“We asked Parks Victoria to review all other camping options to make sure we are getting the balance right between affordable holidays and funding for new facilities.”

“It’s important Victorian families can have an affordable holiday and get a chance to experience Victoria’s amazing parks.”