Major Boost For Golden Plains Mobile Library

Thursday 14 January 2016

The Andrews Labor Government will deliver a $102,750 boost to the Golden Plains mobile library.

Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins visited Rokewood today  to announce the  funding, which will go to a major refurbishment of the 16 year old mobile library.

Funded under the $4.3 million Living Libraries Infrastructure Program, the upgrade will include new technology, lighting, flexible shelving, carpeting, window coverings, cabinetry, storage, exterior painting and improved disability access.

The mobile library stops at nine communities within the Golden Plains Shire including Cape Clear, Dereel, Enfield, Grenville, Haddon, Linton, Meredith, Rokewood, and Smythesdale.

Councils and regional libraries were eligible to apply for up to $750,000 towards a new, renovated or refurbished public library building or for a mobile library as part of the Living Libraries Infrastructure Program.

The Living Libraries Infrastructure Program is one of a number of initiatives designed to support libraries and associated learning opportunities throughout the state.

Other initiatives include the record $40.5 million investment in the Public Libraries Funding Program and the $1.1 million Premiers’ Reading Challenge Book Fund for public libraries to purchase materials to support the delivery of the Premiers’ Reading Challenge.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins

“This mobile library is a vitally important resource for the nine communities it serves and this upgrade will mean an even better service for residents.”

“The Andrews Labor Government recognises the crucial role that our libraries play in local communities - and that’s why we have provided this $4.3 million in funding to support them.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“Most of the Golden Plains mobile library’s users access the service on a weekly basis, providing not just access to books but also a connection to their community and beyond.”