Linking Melbourne Authority To Be Disbanded

Wednesday 7 January 2015

The board, staff and management of the Linking Melbourne Authority have been advised today that the Authority, directed by the Napthine Government to manage the East West Link project, is to be disbanded.

The Andrews Labor Government recognises the vast experience and expertise of the Authority’s staff in the planning and delivery of major infrastructure.

It has directed the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources to work with the Authority to ensure that as much of this experience as possible is retained and put to good use on Victoria’s infrastructure priorities.

Employees from the Authority will be offered redeployment within the Victorian Government. Work will commence immediately to wind up the Authority. Staff will receive support to help them transition to new roles.

Tim Pallas, Acting Minister for Roads, has written to the CEO and Chairman thanking them, and the staff of the Authority, for their service.

Quotes attributable to Acting Minister for Roads, Tim Pallas

“The Linking Melbourne Authority can be proud of the two most recent major additions to Melbourne’s road network – EastLink and Peninsula Link.”

“During the previous Liberal Government, the men and women at the Authority did their best in difficult circumstances, working on a project that had a completely flawed business case.”

“Their skills will be better used helping the Andrews Labor Government remove 50 of our most dangerous and congested level crossings and building the transport system Victorians voted for.”

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