Liberals Need To Fess Up To Their Savage GST Cuts

Thursday 14 June 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is calling on the Turnbull Government to come clean on its proposed GST changes that could cut up to $1 billion from the state.

The Productivity Commission has provided the Turnbull Government with its final report on Australia's system of horizontal fiscal equalisation but Treasurer Scott Morrison is yet to make the report public.

This morning the Prime Minister let slip that Scott Morrison had briefed the Tasmanian Treasurer on their plan, all while keeping Victorians in the dark.

Prime Minister: Tasmania’s share changes from year to year under the formula, but there's been a Productivity Commission report. I know the Treasurer, my Treasurer Scott Morrison spoke with Peter Gutwein last night about it and we'll be presenting the PC report later this month, together with our proposed way forward.

(Press Conference – 14 June 2018 – Bridgewater, Tasmania)

The Productivity Commission’s proposal in the draft report would have seen Victoria lose around $972 million, or 6 cents in every dollar of Victoria’s GST entitlement. Meanwhile, Western Australia would gain an extra $3.6 billion.

Last year, the Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas took the unprecedented step of personally appearing before the Productivity Commission to argue Victoria’s case in relation to Mr Turnbull’s plans to cut our GST.

The Turnbull Government’s decision to delay the release of the final report is yet another desperate attempt to avoid scrutiny.

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas

“The proposals in the draft report would rip $1 billion out of our state – the equivalent of 7,700 frontline police officers.”

“Rather than playing favourites with the Liberal Government in Tasmania, Mr Turnbull needs to come clean with Victorians about his plans for the GST.”

“Unlike the Victorian Liberals, we will always fight for Victoria’s fair share.”