LaunchVic Chair Steps Down

Friday 17 February 2017

The Chair of LaunchVic, Ahmed Fahour, has today stepped down from his official duties leading the board of the Andrews Labor Government’s $60 million startup initiative.

I accepted Mr Fahour’s resignation when he notified me of his intention to leave the board in January, confident that LaunchVic had established a strong position to continue to lead in Victoria’s startup sector.

During his time as Chair, Mr Fahour oversaw the successful allocation of $11.4 million to 26 projects as part of LaunchVic’s first two funding rounds. He appointed LaunchVic’s new CEO and management team, and guided the team on establishing first-class policies and procedures for risk management.

I’d like to thank Mr Fahour for his contributions during the establishment of LaunchVic. In this honorary capacity, he played a vital role in ensuring there was sound direction and governance processes in place and he has been a great support to my office and LaunchVic CEO Dr Kate Cornick.

Deputy Chair Elana Rubin will act as interim Chair until further notice.