Latest CFA Response Times Released For Latrobe Valley

Tuesday 13 February 2018

The Andrews Labor Government has today released the latest set of CFA response time data showing the Latrobe Valley region continues to struggle to respond to emergency incidents.

As a result, an additional 20 career firefighters will be deployed to Moe and surrounding areas by the end of 2018, ensuring 24-hour protection for local communities.

Besides fighting fires, these career firefighters will also be trained in Emergency Medical Response, so they can provide life-saving medical assistance alongside Ambulance Victoria.

The CFA will work with volunteers, local communities and district management to determine where these career firefighters will be based.

Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino also announced he had directed the CFA to review its resourcing allocation in district 27 to ensure CFA has the support and resources needed to keep this community safe. Figures for October-December, which are now available to view online, show:

  • 100 per cent of fires in Traralgon within 8 minutes, which is the standard response time for significant urban areas
  • 95 per cent of fires in Morwell within 8 minutes
  • 56 per cent of fires in Churchill within 8 minutes
  • 28 per cent of fires in Moe within 8 minutes
  • 54 per cent of fires in Newborough within 8 minutes

The state-wide figures show CFA brigades continuing to perform well across a variety of urban and rural environments, including:

  • Responding to 89 per cent of fires in significant urban areas within the standard response time of 8 minutes
  • Responding to 91 per cent of fires in all other urban areas with the standard response time of 10 minutes
  • Responding to 100 per cent of fires in areas with predominantly natural surroundings within the standard response time of 20 minutes

The complete data can be viewed at:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino

“This is the third set of data that showcases a great variance in the service Victorians receive depending on where they live. It isn’t good enough that we have some parts of the state where response times are as low as they are.”

“Our fire services are still organised in way that worked in the 1950s but doesn't work today and that needs to change. Community safety is being ignored by the Liberal Party and their mates in the leadership of the VFBV.”

Quote attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing

“This is about providing more support for our local brigades to ensure our community is safe and well-served now as it grows. The response time data clearly shows that more resources and support are needed in Gippsland, and this is a really positive step in the right direction.”