Lamb Scandal Grows: What Are The Liberals Hiding?

Friday 7 February 2020

The Liberals have today gone to ground, refusing to say if former Liberal Leader Matthew Guy or current leader Michael O’Brien knew about the scandal engulfing the party’s candidate for Frankston ahead of the 2018 election.

Yesterday more details emerged about the former Liberal candidate Michael Lamb and his alleged leaking of privileged police information. It was revealed by the media that Mr Lamb was arrested on 13 September 2018.

This arrest occurred on the very same day in 2018 that Michael Lamb and Matthew Guy made a state election announcement together in Frankston.

Now the Liberals are refusing to say what they knew and when. This is extraordinary – the Liberals need to come clean. Why are the Liberals in hiding? What are they hiding?

It’s time the Liberals answered these simple questions:

  1. Was Matthew Guy aware that former Liberal Candidate Michael Lamb was arrested in September 2018, more than two months before the November 2018 Victorian election? And did he keep it from the Victorian people?
  2. Was Matthew Guy aware that Mr Lamb allegedly refused a police interview?
  3. Did Matthew Guy direct or suggest to Mr Lamb that he should engage in the alleged leaking of privileged police information to the media?
  4. Did anyone in Matthew Guy’s office direct or suggest to Mr Lamb that he should engage in the alleged leaking of police information to the media?
  5. Did Liberal Party campaign headquarters direct or suggest to Mr Lamb that he should engage in the alleged leaking of police information to the media?

Michael O’Brien has refused to comment for 24 hours. He can’t hide any longer. He must show leadership:

  1. Has Michael O’Brien asked Matthew Guy or the Liberal Party what they knew about this scandal and what their involvement was?
  2. Did he have any involvement or knowledge of this scandal?
  3. Why is the Liberal Leader refusing to answer these questions?
  4. Why is the Liberal Leader in hiding?

Quotes attributable to Acting Premier James Merlino

“This scandal is growing by the day – what did the Liberals know, when did they know it, and why are they in hiding?”

“All we have from the Liberals is ducking and weaving – these are simple questions and they need to be answered.”

“It’s time that the current Liberal Leader Michael O’Brien came out of hiding, showed some leadership and cleaned up this mess.”