Labor Government Goes In To Bat For Grassroots Clubs

Sunday 24 January 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is giving Victoria’s grassroots cricket clubs the tools and resources they need to help maintain Victoria’s title as Australia’s cricket capital.

Minister for Sport John Eren recently visited the Clifton Hill Cricket Club, which is one of 61 clubs across Victoria sharing in $153,000 funding as part of the Community Cricket Program: On Common Ground. The Government is partnering with Cricket Australia and Cricket Victoria to deliver the grants.

Minister Eren announced the Clifton Hill Cricket Club would receive a $1900 grant for new cricket kits complete with the latest equipment, as well as helmets for the club’s two girls’ teams. The grant will also help cover the costs of first aid and coaching courses.

The $12.4 million program is creating renewed opportunities for all Victorians to pick up a bat or ball and enjoy Australia’s national summer pastime. Victorians love their cricket, regularly filling the MCG or Etihad Stadium at KFC Big Bash clashes, while the Boxing Day Test is one of Australia’s most iconic dates on the sporting calendar.

The 61 grants will help clubs complete important facility upgrades, purchase the latest equipment, and deliver programs that assist players, coaches, umpires and volunteers thrive.

More than 320,000 Victorians play a form of cricket. That’s why the Labor Government is committed to growing the game all over the State. The Government has committed $25 million towards building the Victorian Cricket and Community Centre at Junction Oval, to give our First Class cricketers the base they deserve.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Sport, John Eren

“We’re going in to bat for grassroots clubs across Victoria, because we know Victorians just love their cricket.”

“We lead the nation when it comes to cricket participation, and investments like these will ensure many of the next Test or Twenty-20 superstars are Victorians.”

“Our clubs work really hard to ensure thousands of Victorians enjoy our national summer pastime each week. We’re helping these clubs reach for the skies.”