Keeping Victoria’s Freight Industry Strong

Thursday 19 July 2018

The Andrews Labor Government has created a one stop shop for Victoria’s freight industry, laying out a blueprint to grow our economy, create jobs and take more trucks off local roads.

The Victorian Freight Plan, Delivering the Goods, establishes Freight Victoria, a dedicated, specialist freight division of Transport for Victoria to boost Victoria’s freight advantage.

Delivering the Goods sets out a path to increase Victoria’s gross product by $40 billion by 2040 and shift more freight onto rail, developing new inland freight terminals and a new freight precinct adjacent to the Port of Melbourne.

It includes actions to deliver the $137.6 million allocated in the 2018/19 Victorian Budget for development of a business case for the Western Interstate Freight Terminal, the Freight-Passenger Rail Separation Project, the extension of the Mode Shift Incentive Scheme, investigations into an integrated logistics hub at the Melbourne Markets and Dynon Road, and the review into heavy vehicle driver training and licensing.

The plan builds on the Labor Government’s record $40 billion investment in major infrastructure projects, including the Murray Basin Rail Project, West Gate Tunnel, Port Rail Shuttle Network, and bridge strengthening and regional freight route upgrades.

The plan has been developed in close consultation with industry and the Ministerial Freight Reference Group.

Freight Victoria will take the lead in driving and coordinating the delivery of the Victorian Freight Plan, providing a central point of contact and consultation with the private sector. It will be supported by a panel of industry representatives.

For more information about Freight Victoria and the Victorian Freight Plan, Delivering the Goods, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan

“Industry has told us they want better coordination with government on the planning, management and delivery of Victoria’s freight and logistics network.”

“That’s why we have established Freight Victoria as a single point of contact, a one-stop-shop for primary producers, the freight and logistics industry and local government to contact for information and assistance.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Ports Luke Donnellan

“Victorian freight volumes are forecast to nearly triple by 2051 – this plan is a road map to making sure that we move freight as efficiently as possible.”

“We’re backing primary producers and suppliers across our regions by having a state-wide plan that meets the needs of a growing population and economy – now and in the future.”