Keeping Victorian Teenagers In School

Monday 16 May 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is working to keep more students in school right across Victoria with the launch of the new $8.6 million pilot program Navigator.

Navigator will help meet the key Education State target of halving the proportion of students leaving school early from years 9 to 12 over the next 10 years.

Minister for Education James Merlino today also announced the eight successful lead community organisations that will provide support to young people aged 12 to 17 years old who have not attended school for more than one term – as part of Navigator.

The community organisations that will deliver Navigator in these pilot areas will also work collaboratively with schools and other support services and networks:

  • Mallee – Northern Mallee LLEN and Murray Mallee LLEN
  • Hume Moreland – Jesuit Social Services
  • Southern Melbourne – South East LLEN
  • Bayside Peninsula – Mission Australia
  • Ovens Murray – Junction Support Services
  • Goulburn – The Bridge
  • Central Highlands – Berry Street
  • Western Melbourne – Anglicare Victoria

Navigator will be independently evaluated and will build on our understanding of the most effective ways to get young people back involved in education.

It is part of a suite of services aimed at helping more Victorian students stay involved in education and training:

  • The $7.9 million re-designed School Focused Youth Service to help schools to work with 10-18 year olds at risk of leaving school
  • The $14 million Reconnect: Engagement and Learning Support Program, to support selected Registered Training Organisations to help 15-24 year olds move in to further education, training or employment
  • The $13.2 million Lookout Education Support Centres to help around 6000 vulnerable children and young people in out-of-home care achieve their potential through education and training

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

"It's a tragedy that each and every year, around 10,000 young people completely drop out of education – this affects the rest of their lives.”

"Navigator will support students who are disengaged from school and also help us develop effective tools that will get these kids back into the education system."