Keeping Victoria At The Cutting Edge Of The New Energy Economy

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Energy technology company GreenSync is one of the first successful recipients of the Andrews Labor Government’s $20 million New Energy Jobs Fund grants.

GreenSync will receive $554,886 in funding to support its digital control platform, which co-ordinates and optimises renewables connected to the grid.

The organisation, with 25 staff at its Melbourne headquarters, has recently opened an office in Singapore and is set to double in size in the next 12 months.

GreenSync is a home-grown example of a company pioneering solutions to network challenges like integrating more renewable energy into the grid.

The New Energy Jobs Fund will help support GreenSync’s Community Grids Mornington Peninsula project, which will deliver a solution to reducing peaks in energy demand and network constraints in the region, making it one of the most sophisticated electricity demand management solutions ever undertaken in Australia.

The Community Grids project will involve solar PV, battery storage systems and Demand Response Enabled Device (DRED) units, enabling businesses, households and community centres to reduce and/or shift their energy use during peak demand events such as heatwaves.

The project will help participants to manage their energy use whilst offsetting the need to build costly new infrastructure to accommodate exceptionally high demand for electricity on just a few days of the year.

This is one of the 24 grants which will be announced in the coming months, with GreenSync obtaining funding under the Technology category.

The Labor Government received a strong response to the $20 million New Energy Jobs Fund with applicants providing innovative ideas for projects that support a clean energy future and help position Victoria as a leader in new energy technologies.

Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“The Andrews Labor Government is determined to grow clean energy jobs and business opportunities.”

“GreenSync exemplifies the New Energy Jobs Program – a technology business founded in Melbourne, creating new energy jobs in Victoria and exporting its technology internationally.”

“This is an innovative project which will demonstrate how we can both avoid costly infrastructure and facilitate the connection of more renewable energy to the grid.”