Jobs Growth That Leads The Nation

Thursday 15 December 2016

Victoria is in the midst of a jobs boom, with more jobs created in our state in the last year than the rest of Australia combined, and the annual pace of total and full-time job creation continuing to lead the nation.

Since the Andrews Labor Government was elected in November 2014, more than 184,000 new jobs have been created in Victoria – with 111,000 of those jobs full-time. In the last year alone, an additional 73,700 Victorians became employed on a full-time basis.

Data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that in November, 16,900 full-time jobs were created – indicating a strong and sustained period of jobs growth consistent with Victoria’s extensive investment in health, education and transport infrastructure, creating tens of thousands of opportunities.

Reflecting the continued confidence in the Victorian economy, our participation rate – the percentage of people entering the labour force and looking for work – is at 65.7 per cent, the highest in the nation, and highest since in over four years.

Despite the increase in the participation rate, Victoria’s unemployment rate is equal second lowest among the states.

In addition, Victoria’s youth unemployment rate is 1.6 percentage points lower than a year ago.

Today’s jobs figures come on the back of the latest population data which shows Victoria continues to be Australia’s fastest growing state, with population growth the highest in the nation at 2.1 per cent during the past year.

That our state remains the preferred destination underlines the confidence in our economy, as more people look for work and a place to live, growing our economy further and creating further opportunity.

The strong population growth is why the Labor Government continues to invest in the services and infrastructure that Victorians need so we can grow the economy and deliver more jobs for Victorians.

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas

“With jobs growth that continues to lead the nation, these figures once again show that the Andrews Labor Government’s policies are growing our economy – and importantly, creating jobs for Victorians.”

“In two years, we have created more than 111,000 full-time jobs, a huge boost to Victorians building a better future for themselves and their families – and fulfilling our election promise to create more than 100,000 full-time jobs.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan

“This Labor Government continues to support Victorian jobs – and we are changing people’s lives for the better.”

“Today’s data shows we are delivering on the things that matter most to people  as we invest in Victoria, creating jobs and opportunities right across the state.”