Investing In The Next Generation Of Creative Talent

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Melbourne’s Southbank is set to become one of the world’s best training grounds for the arts, with the construction of a new Melbourne Conservatorium of Music to add to the best cultural precinct in the nation.

Acting Premier James Merlino today announced the project – a partnership between the Andrews Labor Government and the University of Melbourne – which will expand and relocate the University’s elite music education and research facility from Parkville to Southbank, opening to students in 2019.

Home to the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA), the VCA Secondary School theatres and The Australian Ballet School, Southbank is already a magnet for the best and brightest young talent. The new Melbourne Conservatorium of Music will bring thousands of new local and international students to the area.

The Conservatorium – to be built on 33 Sturt Street next to the Melbourne Recital Centre and the Southbank Campus of the VCA and MCM – will be the best in Australia, offering most comprehensive range of music courses.

The Labor Government is contributing the land under a long-term lease arrangement, as well as $3 million.

The $105.5 million development is expected to generate $350 million for the state and create more than 2,000 jobs during construction. The project is supported by major philanthropic partners.

Bringing together the VCA and MCM, the project will create a vibrant hub for students in the heart of Melbourne’s art culture precinct. It will open up a new outdoor public space linking Dodds and Sturt Streets and include a 400-seat auditorium that will be available for use by arts organisations.

Quotes attributable to Acting Premier James Merlino

“Southbank is already home to an extraordinary concentration of top calibre arts training facilities, as well as the best art galleries and performance venues in the country.”

“The Conservatorium will bring students from around Victoria, Australia and the world, giving them the skills for the rest of their career.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Creative Industries and Member for Albert Park Martin Foley

“Victoria is home to the most vibrant independent arts sector – a creative powerhouse and significant source of employment in the arts.”

“We are backing our creative talent all of the way – from creative opportunities for school kids to the best tertiary training and the best infrastructure to support our vital independent arts sector.”

Quotes attributable to University of Melbourne Vice Chancellor Professor Glyn Davis

“This will be a truly world-class conservatorium, one that will deliver enormous benefits to Victoria.”