Independent Advice On Future Of Second Port Received

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Existing Victorian ports have capacity for almost another 40 years according to advice released today by Infrastructure Victoria.

The Andrews Labor Government welcomes the Advice on Securing Victoria’s Ports Capacity report from Infrastructure Victoria.

Infrastructure Victoria has also made a series of recommendations to support the implementation of the advice.

Community and stakeholder consultation was also a key feature of the report with 114 formal submissions, five workshops, three community drop-in sessions, and more than 60 meetings with local government, industry, environment and community organisations used to inform the recommendations and advice.

The Labor Government will now consider Infrastructure Victoria’s recommendations and advice and will respond as part of its Freight Strategy to be released later this year.

A key election commitment, Infrastructure Victoria was created to take short term politics out of infrastructure planning, and keep our pipeline of major projects full.

As part of that election commitment, we promised that we would seek Infrastructure Victoria’s advice as to our state’s future needs for a second container port, including its preferred location and associated infrastructure.

To read Infrastructure Victoria’s Advice on Securing Victoria’s Ports Capacity report please go to

Quotes attributable to Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings

“We thank Infrastructure Victoria for its work and advice on the future of Victoria’s ports, which we will consider as part of our ongoing work on the state's freight strategy."

“With Infrastructure Victoria, we are getting the independent and considered advice our state needs to build for the future, and this includes the future needs for a second container port in Victoria.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Ports Luke Donnellan

“We’re planning for the future growth to service Victoria’s growing container trade once the capacity of the Port of Melbourne has been reached.”

“This report will be considered as part of our Freight Strategy which will be released later this year.”