Ice Action Plan Will Help Regional Communities

Thursday 5 March 2015

The Andrews Labor Government’s $45.5 million Ice Action Plan – developed with the advice of Victoria Police and health and legal experts – will work to reduce the supply, demand and harm of a drug that’s ruining lives across regional Victoria.

Today, Premier Daniel Andrews and Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Mary-Anne Thomas, joined Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes and Wangaratta locals to talk about Victoria’s Ice Action Plan.

The recent Parliamentary Inquiry into ice use consulted widely throughout Victoria and found that ice use is having a profound and disproportionate impact on rural and regional communities.

Between 2011-12 and 2012-13, the number of ice related ambulance attendances increased by nearly 200 per cent in regional Victoria. Waiting lists for treatment are long and there are few services that have specific programs for methamphetamine users.

The Labor Government will invest $18 million in innovative models of rehabilitation, allowing more people to get the help they need sooner. This investment will focus on our rural and regional communities, where services are needed most.

The Government will also invest $4.7 million to help families identify and manage ice users and $1 million to support frontline workers who are at risk of getting attacked at work.

The work of the Premier’s Ice Action Taskforce will continue, with a long-term role to support the implementation of the Plan and advise the Government where more effort is needed.

Quotes attributable to Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews

“Across regional Victoria, ice is ruining lives and the time to act is now.”

“We’ll support regional communities affected by ice and get young people back on track.”

“Supporting families, treating users, making our communities safer – these are the things that cannot wait.”