Ice Action Plan: Making our Communities Safer

Wednesday 4 March 2015

The Andrews Labor Government’s $45.5 million Ice Action Plan will make our communities safer with tough, new laws to stop dealers and more funding to find secret drug labs and reduce our road toll.

Four new offences will be introduced, targeting people who:

  • deal ice to schoolchildren or near schools
  • publish instructions on how to make ice
  • allow premises to be used as a drug lab
  • use violence or threats to force another person to deal ice

The number of drug labs detected in Victoria has skyrocketed, from 20 in 2003-2004 to 113 in 2012-2013. Most labs are found in homes, putting children, family members and neighbours at risk.

The Government will expand the Victoria Police’s Forensic Drug Branch with a $4.5 million investment to recruit more forensic analysts and officers to track down more clandestine ice labs.

Ice contributes to the road toll. The Government will invest $15 million for new drug and booze buses and open a road safety centre to bring young drivers face-to-face with the consequences of their decisions.

The Government will also work to find the most effective ways to prevent illicit use of precursor chemicals and support moves on national unexplained wealth laws.

The Andrew Labor Government remains committed to effective responses that help low-level offenders get their life back on track, instead of spiralling into more crime and addiction.

Victoria Police has developed a strategy in response to ice that includes a focus on reducing re-offending by using treatment and diversion programs.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police, Wade Noonan

“Innocent people are dying on our roads and in our homes. We have to act.”

 “Our Ice Action Plan means tough, new laws to stop dealers, and more funding to find secret drug labs and reduce our road toll.”

“We’re giving users the treatment they need and dealers the punishment they deserve.”