Helping Aboriginal Organisations Flourish

Friday 3 August 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting Aboriginal organisations to build or repair community facilities to meet the needs of their community.

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins today announced the 2018/19 Aboriginal Community Infrastructure Program (ACIP) application process was open and invited Aboriginal organisations to apply.

The Program boosts self-determination by giving Aboriginal Victorians full control of their property and funding to improve it.

The funding allows Aboriginal organisations to do what they do best - focus on delivering services to their communities.

Grants are given across three categories: repairs and minor works, feasibility studies/business cases and capital work and upgrades.

As part of the 2017/18 Program, more than $4.2 million was provided to 19 Aboriginal organisations from across the State to support community infrastructure projects.

This included funding for the Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation to refurbish an existing building in Barmah to accommodate their growing workforce.

Funding was also given to the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency Cooperative Ltd to develop a business case on the viability of a youth foyer to provide secure accommodation, case management, education and training disadvantaged young people.

Improving Aboriginal community infrastructure is fundamental to self-determination, and social and economic development for Aboriginal Victorians.

The Labor Government acknowledges the right to self-determination and recognises that only when Aboriginal people are central to the decision-making processes that affect their lives, will sustained and long-term changes in health and wellbeing be achieved.

For more information or to make an application visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

“This vital program is supporting Aboriginal organisations to invest in community facilities to generate wealth, plan for the future and make the lives of Aboriginal Victorians better.”

“Only Aboriginal people and organisations can identify the issues affecting their communities and what the best response is. This is self-determination in action and this funding will continue that.”