Help Shape The Future Of Your Region

Friday 12 February 2016

Minister for Regional Development, Jaala Pulford today called for nominations from business and community leaders to join the Andrews Labor Government’s new Regional Partnerships.

The Regional Partnerships will provide a platform for communities to have a greater say in issues that matter and ensure their needs are heard by Government.

We recognise that each region is different, and will ensure decisions and investments reflect the priorities of local families, workers and businesses, to provide a real voice to regional  communities.

Regional Partnerships will be established in Barwon, Great South Coast, Central Highlands, Wimmera Southern Mallee, Mallee, Loddon Campaspe, Goulburn, Ovens Murray and Gippsland to drive local action around regional priorities and to direct them straight into the heart of the Labor Government.

The Partnerships will build on the work of existing regional leadership and advocacy groups, looking at the strategic priorities local communities have identified across economic, social and environmental issues.

Each Regional Partnership will include a number of business and community members, from which the chair and deputy chair will be selected. Partnerships will also include representatives and links to the three levels of government.

We are looking for applications from people with a deep understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing their region, and a demonstrated ability to collaborate across community and industry groups.

People with experience working within and across sectors such as tourism, food and fibre, health and education may be particularly suited for the role.

Women, Aboriginal people, people with a disability and those from diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.

People interested in nominating should visit and search for Regional Partnerships under the vacancies tab.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“This is a great opportunity for passionate locals to represent their region and help direct regional priorities straight into the heart of State Government decision making.”

“These roles present an opportunity to collaborate with your community, identify regional priorities, influence government and positively shape the outcomes of your region.”