Healthier Catchments, Healthier Communities

Thursday 19 May 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting greater community involvement in managing our catchments to provide a healthier environment for all Victorians.

Visiting Beaufort yesterday, Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville launched Our Catchments, Our Communities – Victoria’s first state-wide strategy to integrated catchment management.

The strategy reaffirms the Labor Government’s regionally focused and community based approach to catchment management. It’s implementation is supported by $22 million in funding as part of the Victorian Budget 16/17.

The funding will support on ground works such as weed and pest control, planting native vegetation, erosion control and more sustainable pasture, crop and land management, fencing riparian areas and helping to manage stock watering for improved waterway outcomes.

The projects will be delivered by Catchment Management Authorities, catchment management partners and the broader community.

It repositions Victoria’s approach to catchment management so we are ready for future environmental and economic challenges like climate change, intensifying land use and natural disasters such as bushfires and floods.

Ms Neville also announced successful Landcare grant recipients in the region – the Upper Hopkins Land Management Group and the Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group – as part of the Government’s Regional Riparian Action Plan.

The grants support activities such as the protection, enhancement and restoration of riparian vegetation. In the Beaufort region, this includes the protection of 7.5 kilometres of waterways and the planting of 11,000 native trees and shrubs.

Our Catchments, Our Communities directly responds to the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office 2014 audit on the effectiveness of Catchment Management Authorities.

More information available here in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“Community and volunteer groups are vital to delivering on-ground project – contributing to our collective knowledge, improving the environment and making a difference in local area.”

“Our Catchments, Our Communities will improve catchment and waterway health, biodiversity and sustainable land management – and mean better engaged, informed communities across the state.”

“We’re working with Victorians on long term strategies and practical projects that will support healthier waterways.”