Hamilton Saleyard In The Fast Lane For Electronic ID

Thursday 30 November 2017

The Andrews Labor Government will provide $460,000 for Hamilton Regional Livestock Exchange to install new sheep electronic identification scanning technology to boost traceability and efficiency across the supply chain.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford announced the major grant today, which will be used to purchase and install new state-of-the-art laneway and draft readers as well as recently updated software and data logging equipment.

Hamilton will be the first major saleyard in Australia to be granted funds to install equipment to scan electronically tagged sheep and goats and upload the information to the National Livestock Identification System.

Hamilton saleyard processes almost one million sheep – making it one of the largest in the state.

Hamilton’s proposed system was submitted for funding under the Labor Government’s electronic identification transition package following extensive consultation with local agents, transporters and saleyard staff, and with assistance from a specialist contractor.

The planning and design phase for the new infrastructure was also supported by the transition package.

Hamilton is one of 22 saleyards that submitted applications for electronic identification infrastructure funding to Agriculture Victoria by the closing date of 31 October 2017.

Victorian saleyards must scan and upload data for all electronically tagged sheep from 31 March 2018.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Victoria is leading the way with this game-changing technology and we’re getting it done – helping protect Victoria’s sheep and goat industries and our crucial access to important export markets.”

“Everyone involved with the Hamilton submission should be congratulated on the collaborative effort that went into an effective scanning solution for this major and complex facility.”

“We said from the very beginning we wouldn’t let the industry absorb these system changes alone. It’s why we’ve worked collaboratively with the industry, including our saleyards, to make sure these grants are indeed available.”