Guy Shamed Into Recognising Regional Victoria

Tuesday 17 October 2017

In a stunning about face, Leader of the Opposition Matthew Guy has backflipped and caved to community pressure on his plan to axe regional Victoria from government.

Under the cover of the Voluntary Assisted Dying debate, Mr Guy today quietly announced that Regional Victoria will once again be a Shadow Cabinet portfolio.

This humiliating backflip comes just weeks after the Opposition announced it would boot the Regional Development portfolio from the Shadow Cabinet.

While Matthew Guy is busy trying to hold on to his job by trading shadow cabinet promotions for leadership votes, the Nationals continue to sell-out regional Victoria with their refusal to stand up against the Liberal Party’s march towards fracking – which puts at risk our clean, green world class agriculture sector.

Matthew Guy has neither the character nor the judgement to lead Victoria, and the Nationals are more interested in seats around the Liberal shadow cabinet table than standing up for regional Victoria.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“Matthew Guy and the Nationals have been shamed into recognising regional Victoria. They neglected regional communities in Government, and are ignoring them in opposition.”

 “We’ve created more than ten times as many jobs in regional Victoria as the former Coalition Government, who spent their term gutting TAFE and cutting regional health budgets.”   

“Only Labor recognises, supports and invests in the things that matter to regional Victorians.”